Taylor Swift: Reasons why I believe she is a global phenomenon

Taylor Swift: Reasons why I believe she is a global phenomenon | Taylor Swift. Image from Republic, Big Machine

Taylor Swift. Image from Republic, Big Machine

Although I’m not a big fan of Taylor Swift‘s music, I can say that I was already a seasoned music critic and columnist when her very first major record album was released, along with her hit songs. I recall that this was during a different time, before platforms like Spotify were around, so many of her current fans might not be familiar with her earlier work or were not around when it first came out. However, I was fortunate enough to have been there.

Upon reflection, I can say that Taylor Swift had an enormous amount of potential to become a much bigger star than she was at the time, and it was only a matter of time before she became a Global Phenomenon. Looking back, she was one of the most promising artists of her time. Yes, it is all about the time. She had a unique (Fusion Country-Pop) sound, combined with excellent songwriting (Shania Twain Level) and an undeniable stage presence (Pop Star Vibes). Taylor Swift was young, driven, and incredibly eager for success. It was clear that her talent and passion would take her places.

Regardless of my taste in music and anyone else’s, it’s undeniable that Taylor Swift has achieved so much success in her career because she never gave up despite the very long road ahead of her. Taylor Swift faced many challenges along the way, but she persevered and continued to work hard, ultimately emerging as one of the most successful and influential artists in a couple of years. Her dedication and hard work have undoubtedly paid off.

Looking back, in the mid-2000s I can hardly believe that a 16-year-old Taylor Swift would become the superstar that she is today. She has come a long way since her first album, and her overwhelming success is a testament to her talent, hard work, and perseverance. Even Taylor Swift herself may not have believed that she would achieve such heights, but she never lost sight of her goals, and she never gave up. Indeed, she was the cream of the crop back then as she is now. No one from her era has achieved the record-breaking feats she has attained. Taylor Swift outlasted nearly every one of them from the time she rose to prominence and was viewed as more than a Country-Pop artist. There was something there to behold and witness one day.

Now, enough of the flashbacks of my younger years, because I still have a lot of gas left in the tank. Let us get onto my newest entertainment (music) article about the Global Phenomenon: Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift is a household name that has become synonymous with the music industry for more than 12 years now. Taylor Swift has surpassed everyone’s expectations ever since she got signed to a major record label many years ago. Now, she has become the Number 1 artist in the world. Some people only know of Taylor Swift when it comes to foreign music outside of their country. In some cases, some people have learned the English language because of her popular songs. Some people can only mention a handful of foreign artists, and her name is often at the top of their list. What do all of these things mean? The point is the 34-year-old singer-songwriter has taken the world by storm with her catchy tunes, easily relatable lyrics, and captivating performances. Her impact on the world is undeniable, and her fan base is nothing short of fanatic.

Taylor Swift. Image from Republic, Big Machine

Taylor Swift. Image from Republic, Big Machine

But is it normal for someone to have such an obsessed fan base? The answer is yes. Taylor Swift’s fans, also known as “Swifties,” are not just fans but they are a tight and protective community. The reason for this is simple: Taylor Swift connects with her fans on a very personal level, and her easy-to-digest music speaks to them in a way that few other artists can flawlessly accomplish. Her innate ability to write romantic songs that resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds is a testament to her musical talent.

Whether or not Taylor Swift is overrated as an artist is entirely based on one’s personal opinion. I know that can be a touchy subject to talk about when it is about Taylor Swift, but someone has to say it and discuss it. Some may argue that her success is due more to her image and brand than her musical abilities, while others may feel that she has earned her success through hard work and talent. It is subjective and based on one’s opinion.

Speaking of her musical talent, some question Taylor Swift’s musical capabilities compared to mainstream artists from the 80s and 90s. It’s difficult to say how well Taylor Swift would have fared against mainstream artists of the 80s and 90s, as the music industry and its listeners’ tastes have evolved since then. Would she have fared well against someone like Britney Spears, Madonna, Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, and Mariah Carey in their prime in their respective decade of popularity? I do not have a concrete answer to that because it would be difficult to compare all of them with Taylor Swift because they do not belong in the same timeline in the music industry. I believe, though, among the five legends I have mentioned, it would have been Britney Spears that she would have been compared to the most and perhaps the one she would have been able to be friends with among all of them.

At times, I find myself thinking it may be a natural occurrence for globally renowned artists to not co-exist in the same era as their previous peers. Taylor Swift has few competitors or rivals for her status as a Global Phenomenon. I believe her stock has risen to unreachable heights in the music industry.

However, when it comes to songwriting, which is easier to discuss, Taylor Swift is on par with some of the most respected musicians in history. Her ability to craft a song that often tells a love story (Falling in Love and Falling out of Love) and connects with listeners is unparalleled. Her songwriting skills have been comparable to those of Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell. But it’s not just her proven songwriting capability setting her apart from her peers now. Taylor Swift is also a talented musician and performer. Her live shows are a spectacle to behold, and her ability to command a stage is a testament to her years of hard work and dedication.

As for her vocal abilities, Taylor Swift may not have the strongest or most technically impressive voice in the music industry, but she has a unique sound and style that resonates with many of her fans. Ultimately, whether or not someone considers her a great vocal singer is subjective.

So, is Taylor Swift musically talented enough to justify the fanatical support, diehard fans, and praise from people all over the world? The answer is a resounding yes. Taylor Swift is a Global Phenomenon for the multiple reasons I have mentioned.

In conclusion, Taylor Swift is more than just a mainstream Country singer-songwriter turned pop star. She is a Global Phenomenon whose impact on the world is undeniable.

These are the reasons I believe why she has become a Global Phenomenon, whether people agree with it or not.