Jimmy Kimmel hopes Jo Koy gets a second chance at Golden Globes hosting

Jimmy Kimmel hopes Jo Koy gets a second chance at Golden Globes hosting. (left) Jimmy Kimmel and Jo Koy | Images: Instagram/@jimmykimmel, @goldenglobes

Jimmy Kimmel hopes Jo Koy gets a second chance at Golden Globes hosting. (left) Jimmy Kimmel and Jo Koy | Images: Instagram/@jimmykimmel, @goldenglobes

Hollywood talk show host Jimmy Kimmel expressed hope for Filipino comedian Jo Koy to get a second chance to host the Golden Globes after his first try received a lot of criticism

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter ahead of his Oscars hosting stint, Kimmel underscored that circumstances were different for Jo Koy when he was tapped to host the Golden Globes last January, considering he feels like an outsider to Hollywood. 

“It’s a lot easier for me than it is for Jo Koy. It’s like if a stranger walks up to you and goes, “Nice shirt, Tom Selleck.” If it’s one of your friends, you don’t take offense to it, but if it’s somebody you don’t know, you might smack him one,” he said. 

The seasoned awards show host remarked that Jo Koy should be considered to host the Golden Globes next year as a way to reclaim himself and apply the lessons he learned from drawing flak the first time. 

“Not that I have any business programming the Golden Globes, but I think they should let Jo Koy host the show next year and give him a shot at doing it over. It would be very smart. I think he learned all the lessons, and he’s a funny guy. I think it would be nice for everyone,” explained Kimmel. 

Given that the Filipino comedian was criticized for his “misogynic jokes,” the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” mainstay host was asked how he handles throwing insults when he’s doing his skit. 

Kimmel remarked that not everyone is equipped to receive the joke in the way that a comedian wants them to, stressing that he is not after hurting anyone’s feelings when he utters his jokes. 

“I have such a fear of standing in front of a quiet audience but as far as people being mad, I don’t necessarily operate that way. I’m not interested in hurting anyone’s feelings, but sometimes some people are more sensitive than others and you just have to accept that,” he said.

“You can’t build your monologue around that. And I’m not looking to say anything mean, but not everybody’s going to love all the jokes,” added Kimmel.

Jo Koy was the first ever Filipino to host the Golden Globes.