Viewers pick their favorite Hollywood actors

COOPER. No kiss and tell.

Recently, I asked painter Romy Carlos who his top Hollywood actors were. He picked Gary Cooper among his favorites—not a bad choice since the lanky star is one of only a few actors who have won two Academy Awards for their performances.

Cooper was a secretive Lothario who “conquered” both Ingrid Bergman and Patricia Neal after he starred with them. However, gentleman that he was, Gary was no kiss and tell—he kept mum about his romantic exploits.

Romy also selected Jeffrey Hunter because of his expressive eyes—he portrayed Jesus Christ in “King of Kings.” The sensitive actor also starred in “No Place to Hide” with our very own Barbara Perez.

For his part, Eugene Crudo is partial to musicals—so, he chose Gene Kelly. He also cited Marlon Brando and Al Pacino, who both starred in Francis Ford Coppola’s “Godfather” series. He remembered the former in “On The Waterfront.”

Bert Mendoza, a board member of the UP Alumni Association, identified his choice as “that pony-tailed actor.” He was referring to Steven Seagal’s brand of “no-nonsense action”: “If he hits you, you’re sure to be knocked out!”

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