Twitter twist on Andi’s love life

Andi Eigenmann and Albie Casiño before the storm.

Sociologists will have a field day someday on the Andi Eigenmann pregnancy case.

Seems modern technology—specifically new media, like social networking sites—have turned the youth into voyeurs and exhibitionists all at once.

Andi’s tumultuous two-year relationship with “first boyfriend” Albie Casiño was chronicled (by both parties) not only in tabloids and on TV, but also on Twitter!

A blow-by-blow account of the affair’s highs and lows, as recounted by both Andi and Albie, was recently posted on a website. Worse, when the pregnancy rumor broke, speculation on the father’s identity spread like wildfire.

Andi’s current squeeze, Jake Ejercito, was the initial suspect as the father, but a family friend believes that Albie could be the dad, judging from the cryptic online messages of Andi and TV interviews of mom Jaclyn Jose. Or as a mole would put it: “One plus one equals Albie.”

As they say, only a mom knows. At press time, she’s given just a few clues here and there. On cyberspace.

Can the other suspect’s parents (Joseph Estrada and Laarni Enriquez) heave a sigh of relief now?
