President Aquino’s statement on the passing of Dolphy Quizon

President Aquino's statement on the passing of Dolphy Quizon

Dolphy was a good man who embodied the common Filipino: he loved deeply, knew the value of humor, respected his fellowmen, and was always ready to face any challenge life threw at him. He came from a generation that went through a lot of trials—and the struggle taught him to be humble, honest, and helpful. He never turned his back on his peers; he never turned his back on the people who had propelled him toward success.

Throughout his life, Dolphy showed that hope and happiness always lie at the other side of adversity; he knew that any problem can be overcome through a positive outlook. He did not only revolutionize the entertainment industry; he also changed our national consciousness for the better: through his art, he extended our worldviews, and gave us the ability to reflect on, value, and find joy in the daily realities of Filipino life.

I, along with my family and the rest of our administration, join the Quizon family in mourning. The passing of Rodolfo Quizon Sr.—our King of Comedy—is a truly sorrowful moment for a nation that, for so long, found happiness in his work.