Finding our way back home

WHERE is home? Some insights that can help us find our way to our real home:

The material shelter we try to establish in this world is always changing—and imperfect. There’s no genuine security from danger and misery in this world, and that makes us vulnerable and uneasy.

We yearn for permanence, belongingness, a sense of home, and a state of existence wherein we’re happy, satisfied and at peace. Home is not a place, but a condition of the heart. Our real identity is anchored in spirituality; therefore, our home is spiritual in nature.

Spiritual root

Where is our spiritual root? We’re all a part of the Supreme Person. He is the source of everything—therefore, to be at home is to be united with Him. When a girl loves someone, she becomes oblivious of her surroundings, and all she sees is her beloved. If you love the Supreme Perfect Being, pleasing Him makes you feel at home.

Our soul is at home when we taste the nectar of spiritual love. The Supreme Person’s unconditional love gives us a sense of security, and He reciprocates our love.

With God in our lives, there’s no greater love or higher form of happiness—and that’s how we find our way back home!