Entitled producer turns off well-meaning supporter

Sharon Cuneta and KC Concepcion

As a “creative” entrepreneur, Enterprising Performer (EP) has always “identified her hump and hurled herself over it,” to guarantee the success of her various artistic pursuits. But EP sometimes thinks she can get well-meaning friends—like Busy Writer (BW)—to do things her way, even if they’re just doing EP a favor.

For a splashy but somewhat outdated undertaking that featured feisty vets, BW really went out of her way to cover EP’s new project as a show of support. But BW quickly realized that, even with the best of intentions, not all good deeds get the appreciation they deserve.

BW’s initial plan was to write a series of fascinating stories that could help generate interest for what she otherwise thought was a worthy project. But soon after writing about EP’s new “baby,” EP started sending BW off-putting messages, asking BW why she pursued the angle she used for her story. Instead of thanking her for the free publicity, all BW got from entitled EP was a “lecture.” Yikes.

Naturally, BW was “shookt”—and that was the end of the “help” EP ever got from BW. There’s a lesson for producers like EP in this cautionary tale: If you want to toot your own horn, just buy an ad.


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