Fil-Ams brave storm in support of Jessica Sanchez

Jessica Sanchez. Fox Photo.

LOS ANGELES—A group of Filipino-Americans braved the stormy weather and gathered at a Filipino restaurant and bar here to continue to drum up support for Jessica Sanchez, the Filipino-Mexican “American Idol” hopeful who was almost sent packing after getting the lowest votes in the Fox singing competition two weeks ago.

“We just delivered 4,000 votes for Jessica tonight. And we have just started,” said social media specialist Giovi Zamora, who organized a gathering he called “Magkaisa for Jessica (Unite for Jessica.)”

With their cell phones and laptops, Zamora and about 30 other Fil-Am fans of Sanchez cast their votes together after watching yesterday’s “Idol” episode, where the remaining six finalists were asked to perform a number from the iconic British rock band Queen and a song of their choice.

Regaining her foothold

Struggling to regain her foothold after her near-elimination two weeks ago, the 16-year-old Sanchez first performed “Bohemian Rhapsody,” which generated lukewarm response from the judges.

“Rock isn’t your forte. I wouldn’t say it was at all, but I still love your voice… and you were good today,” said Steven Tyler.

Randy Jackson saw no problem with the performance while Lopez wished Sanchez showed more vigor and enthusiasm.

For her personal pick, Sanchez sang the Luther Vandross ballad “Dance With My Father,” a rendition that drove Tyler to liken her to Whitney Houston and Lopez to dub it as one the finest of the song’s many interpretations. Sanchez dedicated the song to her soldier father.

“We’d really like Jessica to win not only because she’s Filipino but also because she really is the best,” said Gandi Villareal, a popular aesthetician who drove many miles through the rain to attend the event.

In Washington, D.C., the Migrant Heritage Commission (MHC) is planning to expand its campaign for Sanchez by luring Latinos as well.

“We will target both Filipino-Americans and Latinos in our social media campaign, e-mail blast and phone brigade,” said Arnedo Valera, MHC coexecutive director.

Valera said he cast about eight votes per minute for Sanchez during the voting period following yesterday’s episode.

“Talent-wise, Jessica is clearly the winner. But it’s also very much a popularity contest,” he said. “As Jennifer Lopez said, ‘Everybody had one good performance. It’s about who America loves.’”

Standing ovations

Wednesday’s performance saw Joshua Ledet earning another pair of standing ovations from the judges with his energetic take on Queen’s “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and restrained rendition of India.Arie’s “Ready for Love.”

“Is it bad for me to say Joshua’s part of the show is my favorite part of the show?” said Lopez in praise for the 20-year-old gospel singer.

Skylar Laine, who impressed the panel with “The Show Must Go On” and Jason Aldean’s “Tattoos on This Town,” joked that Ledet earned his 12th standing ovation of the season. Laine herself wasn’t lacking in fans. Tyler called her country interpretation of the Queen ballad “over the top.”

Jackson called himself “a ginormous fan” of the 18-year-old country rocker.

But Jackson and Tyler didn’t love Elise Testone’s bold selection of Jimi Hendrix’s “Bold as Love.” Tyler warned the rocking 28-year-old teacher that while it warmed his heart for her to do Hendrix, she’s “gotta do songs that people know.” Lopez gave a similar warning to 21-year-old pawn shop worker Phillip Phillips.

“I need you to do songs that are gonna get you on that last show so you can win,” Lopez demanded after Phillips’ tackled the Dave Matthews Band’s frenetic track “The Stone.”  With a report from AP