Joyce Pring and her dog, Bowie (Image: Instagram/@bowiepring)
Staying true to the old adage, it seems that dogs really are man’s best friend as demonstrated by Joyce Pring’s loving pet Bowie, who knows just how to comfort his emotional owner.
As Pring gets emotional from seeing her family and friends on a video call session, the doting Shiba Inu immediately comes up to his owner’s side, as seen in a video Pring posted on Instagram yesterday, May 14.
“Bowie is basically an ANGEL. Every time I have anxiety attacks (or as you can see here when I got emotional during the viewing party of #AloneTogetherPH kanina – seeing family and friends on the video GOT ME) he knows EXACTLY what to do,” Pring said.
“This good doge has been getting me thru so much since 2018,” she added.
Pring noted that she got emotional because even during these dire times, Filipinos are still finding a way to show “solidarity.”
“Sorry for being so marupok (fragile, emotional), it was just so moving seeing my friends and family, and fellow Filipinos getting together to show solidarity in this difficult time,” she said.
Pring also has an Instagram account dedicated to her pet, in which the “Adventures of Bowie the Doge” is documented.
Pring said that Bowie, who is described as “a hoomAn disguiSed as a ShiBa Inu” in the said Instagram account, has been part of her family since 2018. /ra
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