Iwa Moto reveals she’s a PWD

Iwa Moto

“This is me. I’m fat. So what? Is there anything wrong with that?”

That was Iwa Moto’s snappy clapback at a social media user who criticized the actress’ physique.

In the comments section of one of her recent Instagram posts—a video of her and her daughter, Mimi, dancing to a Momoland song—Iwa replied to basher, saying that body shaming her was “unnecessary.”

“Instead of picking on my weight or stalking someone else’s Instagram, why don’t you find something productive to do?” wrote Iwa, who finished first runner-up in the third season of the reality artista search “StarStruck.” “Nakikitingin ka na lang, ang dami pang hanash.”

Iwa knew only too well that, by posting the said video, she was opening up herself to “nasty” comments. But she did it anyway because she wanted to show how she and Mimi bond. “It shows how happy I made her by learning this dance,” she said of her daughter with Pampi Lacson.

Later in her Instagram stories, Iwa felt compelled to reveal the reason why losing weight is hard for her: She has a health issue, she said, that makes it hard for her “to control my feelings,” among other things.

While she didn’t disclose what exactly she’s dealing with it makes her a person with disability (PWD). Iwa added that she manages her condition with two kinds of mood stabilizers and two kinds of antidepressants. She also has to take Clonazepam and Alprazolam, which, according to WebMD, are used for panic attacks and anxiety.

The 31-year-old celebrity described those shaming her as “nasty to the bones.”

“You may know my name, but you don’t know my story. Yes, I’m a PWD. Congrats, you just insulted someone with a disability,” wrote Iwa, who’s currently in a hiatus from show biz. “I didn’t want to post these, but I honestly got affected. I know I shouldn’t, but I did.”

“One of my illnesses is that I can’t control my feelings. I wish I could, but I can’t,” she lamented, adding that what she’s going through is something she wouldn’t dare wish on anyone else. “Even to those angry at me. Because it’s really hard.”