“Abbamania,” the longest-running Abba tribute show, is slated for a five-night run in the Philippines this Valentine season.
Mounted by Mr. P Entertainment Productions, the concert will be staged on Feb. 11 and Feb. 12 at the New Frontier Theater in Quezon City; Feb. 13 at the Aquino Center and Museum in Tarlac; Feb. 13 at The Theatre at Solaire; and Feb. 15 at the LausGroup Event Center in San Fernando, Pampanga.Call 8891-9999 or 8470-2222.
“Abbamania” has been on tour since 1999, encouraging fans around the world to dance and have the time of their lives in a nostalgia-inducing show that features Abba’s enduring hits, like “Dancing Queen,” “Chiquitita” and “The Winner Takes It All.”
Composed of vocalists Ewa Scott, Sharon Fehlberg, Kirsty McConnell and Mhairi Wilson, as well as musicians Adam Robertson, Richard Smeaton, Steven Galert and Lewis Cunningham, “Abbamania” hopes to make fans experience “what it would be like to experience Abba live in concert.”—ALLAN POLICARPIO