Boots acts out of the ‘virginal’ box

ROA. The veritable icon of prudence and decorum is updating her image.

THE restaging of “The Vagina Monologues” tonight has elicited unusual interest, partly due to reports that Boots Anson-Roa has agreed to be a part of its star-studded cast. Many luminaries have acted in the controversial show, so what’s the big deal about Boots’ participation?

Well, the play is famous for telling it like it is when it comes to female sexuality, anatomy, violence and other core issues, so the fact that the “virginal” Boots is doing one of its monologues, even if her piece on childbirth isn’t one of the more “shocking” parts of the show, is an unusual “talking” point.

Public persona

For our part, however, we aren’t surprised. Boots may be a veritable icon of prudence and decorum, but she has on occasion made known her desire to grow as an actress, and to break out of the “box” that others have built around her and her public persona.

Just a couple of years ago, she “surprised” some people by agreeing to play a widow who dallied with a much younger beau in the anthology film, “Ganap na Babae.” Although some felt she didn’t go “far enough,” it was still a “take-a-deep-breath” move on her part, and it “updated” her screen image to a considerable extent.

More recently, she even “dared” to tackle her first role as a TV meanie, so she showed a new and “darker” side to her performing psyche there, too.

Some years ago, when we directed Boots in a play on the life of St. Pio, one of the roles we gave her was that of the abusive grandmother of one of the young recipients of the beloved saint’s miraculous intercessions. At first, Boots balked at having to be so “heartless,” but she eventually got into the “vile and vicious” groove—and rather enjoyed herself!

Veteran film buffs may remember the sexy film, “Mga Ligaw na Bulaklak,” which included Boots in its stellar cast. That early, Boots was already testing her limits—but, definitely within limits! Figure that out. (The free spirit may have been willing, but the will power was weak?)

Boots did heat up her act for the flick, but only sort of. For a beach scene in which her sexy female co-stars wore their signature wee bikinis, for instance, Boots did the scene—in shorts and a long-sleeved blouse! (Maybe she didn’t want to get sunburn?)

But, the point is, she did want to break out of her signature screen decorum. So, her “Vagina Monologues” outing isn’t as gasp-inducing as it may initially appear to be.

Our final anecdote about Boots Anson-Roa as a “daring” (but still not baring) performer recalls the sexy comedy, “The Owl and the Pussycat,” which we directed her in decades ago. Even then, she wanted to stretch her limits as an actress, so she agreed to play a playgirl(!) and engage in her first bed and kissing scenes!

—But, only because the actor paying lip service to her was none other than her hubby, Pete! They both did really well in the play, too. —Which only goes to show that, even for Boots Anson-Roa, (private) practice makes (public) perfection!