Jonas Brothers documentary in the works

The Jonas Brothers—Kevin (left), Joe and Nick. INQUIRER FILE

MANILA, Philippines — Following the release of Jonas Brothers’ first single in six years, it has been announced that a documentary about the pop rock trio is already in the works. 

Amazon Prime Video announced on Tuesday it would be partnering with the Jonas Brothers for an “exclusive documentary.”

“We go together, better than birds of a feather, you and me and @nickjonas and @joejonas and @kevinjonas….sorry got carried away with news that we’re teaming up with the #JonasBrothers on an exclusive documentary,” a tweet by the Amazon Prime Video read.

The Jonas Brothers’ official Twitter account quoted Amazon’s tweet and expressed excitement for their fans to see the upcoming documentary.

“Can’t wait for you guys to see this. So excited to be partnering with @amazon to share our documentary with the world!!” Jonas Brothers wrote in a tweet.

The documentary’s release date has yet to be announced.

The Jonas Brothers dropped their single “Sucker” on Friday, March 1. It was the first single they released since their 2013 hits “First Time” and “Pom Poms.” /cbb

READ: Jonas Brothers release new single ‘Sucker’ after 6 years