Overwhelming support from Matthew Lewis’ fans

Lewis posing for Attitude magazine’s photo shoot

English actor Matthew Lewis, who starred in the “Harry Potter” films as the awkward, buck-toothed kid wizard Neville Longbottom, has metamorphosed into a dreamy hunk. The actor, who has since appeared in various stage, film and TV projects, recently took to Twitter and announced losing some valuables.

“Yo, if you stole my wallet in East London yesterday or even if you just found it, it’s yours, keep it, have the money, the cards, the lot,” tweeted the actor, now 29. “But the note from my wife (Angela Jones) engraved on a piece of metal, if you can post that to the address on the [driver’s] license, I’d call it [even]. Please?”

His fans offered overwhelming support, sharing advice and experiences with lost or stolen property. His plea was retweeted over 8,000 times. And three days later, something quite magical happened.

“Wow. You guys are dope. Really humbled by this response,” posted Lewis. “And guess what I have? My wallet! I did not expect that to happen.”

While he didn’t disclose how he got it back, presumably with contents intact, he expressed joy for his helpful followers: “I owe you all a debt of gratitude … You’re amazing. This is a good day.” —OLIVER PULUMBARIT