Music on celebs’ playlists

Celebrities often listen to music to relax and unwind. For this forum, we’ve asked celebrities what music acts and singers they’re currently listening to and why.


MANILYN REYNES. I’m an old soul, so I am an avid listener of music from the ’50s to the ’80s. I have always loved Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson, but among the singers we have now, I listen to Adele. I like how she writes her songs and expresses her feelings. I love the quality of her voice.

Once in a while, I also listen to Bruno Mars, John Legend, Jessie J, Alicia Keys and Charlie Puth—there’s a whole bunch of talented ones out there. And I’ve always believed in the charm and power of Original Pilipino Music (OPM) and the great voices behind them.


JERIC GONZALES. I just watched “Bohemian Rhapsody” and was really inspired by the music of Queen. The film made me realize how big their contribution was to the music industry.

Dua Lipa

MIKEE QUINTOS. I enjoy listening to Dua Lipa’s songs these days. And it isn’t just her style and voice that I enjoy; I also like the fact that she’s such a “fitspiration.”


KYLINE ALCANTARA. After watching “Bohemian Rhapsody,” I became obsessed with Queen’s music. But my all-time feel-good music would have to be the songs of Beyoncè and Eraserheads.

HANNAH PRECILLAS. It’s Ariana Grande for me. She has been my idol and inspiration when it comes to hitting the high notes with ease. Whenever I’m feeling jazzy, I listen to Michael Bublé, whose songs relax me.

JAKE VARGAS. I also learned to appreciate the music of Queen after seeing how its members created their classic hits in “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

JOYCE PRING. I currently listen to Lianne La Havas, Jeff Buckley and John Mayer.