Sense of wonder important for Felicity Jones

Felicity Jones in “Rogue One”

A week ago, W Magazine uploaded to Twitter a video of an interview with “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” star Felicity Jones.

The English actress recounted getting mesmerized by Hollywood movies, years before she started acting.

“My brother and I didn’t have a VHS player … When you’re 6 or 7, it’s a bit frustrating. So we would go to our cousins’ house and watch all these delightful [movies on VHS to] catch up on what we missed out on.”

One of the films that stood out, she said, had a profound impact on her, even then. “‘Star Wars’ was part of our education. I remember looking up as the wonderful opening ‘crawl’ was sliding up the screen, and being quite moved by it,” said Jones, 34.

She described getting scripts “exciting”: “Especially when you get a paper script in a file with a zip, a lock and a key … the best way to receive a script. Then, [you’re] told you’re not to give that key to any other living human being.”

Jones added, “It’s important to keep a sense of wonder and anticipation … audiences appreciate a bit of suspense about the film they’re going to see.” —OLIVER PULUMBARIT