Scott Eastwood: Embrace sex

Scott Eastwood has jumped the podcast bandwagon, and excitedly announced his own show on Instagram recently. “Everybody else has been having so much fun making podcasts [that] I thought I would join in on the fun and make my own.”

His “Live Life Better” is on iTunes and has its own channel on YouTube.

In another podcast, “Sex With Emily,” hosted by sexuality and relationship expert Emily Morse, he was asked about how he found his own place in the entertainment biz, and stayed out of the shadow of his dad, 88-year-old Clint Eastwood.

Scott, 32, said that it certainly had its own challenges. “I was in my early 20s, trying to figure out who I was as a man,” he said. “People have an assumption that just because you’re somebody’s kid, you suddenly have all the keys to the kingdom.”

Asked if his dad discussed with him the birds and the bees, Scott said: “Older woman,” suggesting that he had a sexual relationship with one, without revealing who it was. “She was great. And she was kind and gentle,” related the actor, who’s currently single but dating.

In his own program where Morse was a guest, he said at the start of the episode, “Sex is healthy, people. Don’t shame it; embrace it. It doesn’t matter how many people you have sex with. Learn. Use protection [have] safe sex.” —OLIVER PULUMBARIT