Why being a kept woman a no-no for Ritz

Ritz Azul

The unusual tandem of Alessandra de Rossi and Empoy Marquez in “Kita Kita” raked it in at the box office. Now, another “odd pair” is set to enthrall moviegoers in Regal Films’ romantic comedy, “Hopeful Romantic,” which opens on Sept. 12. It stars Ritz Azul and Pepe Herrera.

Pepe plays Jess, a valet parking attendant who happens to be a virgin. He vows to keep his “chastity belt” securely fastened until he meets his true love.

Ritz portrays Veronica, a rich man’s kept woman. They cross paths, then one thing leads to another. Veronica gives Jess his “first time.” After the magic that happens between them, Jess decides that Veronica is Miss Right.

However, she has no idea that he is not rich. Afraid that revealing himself would make him lose Veronica, Jess pretends to play the part. Can he still count on her even when there’s no money to count?

In love, a full emotional investment cannot always be backed up by a financial investment. As the cliché goes, money can’t buy love. But then again, love can’t pay the bills. So, something’s gotta give.

Here’s my chat with Ritz:

Since you portray a kept woman in your movie, would you be willing to be a mistress in real life?  No way. I don’t want to ruin a family. I grew up with a happy family, so my values are intact.

Are you a hopeless or hopeful romantic?  I’m a hopeful romantic. Hope makes us believe that life has meaning, and that love exists. It serves as our driving force to do better in life and gives us a positive outlook.

Would you fall for someone who’s not that rich?  I could fall for someone who may not be that rich, but who’s willing to work hard for his own family.

What’s hard to understand about guys? It’s hard to understand why many of them are addicted to computer games, to the point that they spend a lot of money on  them.

Please share an amusing off-cam anecdote.  Before our bed scene, I noticed that Pepe’s hands were trembling and were freezing-cold. I asked him why. He was nervous.

Is it possible for you to fall for someone like Pepe?  Yes, I’m not closing doors to guys like him, who are fun to be with, cowboy, simple and loving to his family.

Do you prefer to be in a love team or would you rather remain solo? It’s great to go solo because I get a chance to work with different actors I can learn from.