LOOK: Pregnant Iya Villania aces perfect handstand walk

Ordinary pregnant women might spend much of the day resting but Kapuso actress and fit mom Iya Villania is one to break such rules.

She constantly remains a “fitspiration” to women, pregnant and otherwise.

On Instagram, she again wowed followers with her breath-stopping handstand walk by the beach. Not only that, Villania also did a little gymnastics.

While some worried for the actress, Villania’s stunt mainly drew praises from the netizens.

Her equally athletic husband, Drew Arellano did not let his pregnant wife have all the fun. He too showed that he could do what he called on Instagram as “handSAND walks.”

Villania is also into the popular CrossFit fitness regimen and has always lived a healthy and active lifestyle.

However, in a previous interview with Villania, a former MYX VJ, assured that she always proceeds with caution and does not pursue physically-challenging activities without her doctor’s approval.