Derrick secure about his sexuality

Derrick Monasterio

Derrick Monasterio is the classic boy next door, cool and sensitive at the same time. But what is the 22-year-old actor like when he isn’t in front of cameras?
Our quick Q&A with Derrick:

What type of girl do you usually go for? I like a girl who’s funny, confident and loves her family.

Do you get questioned about your sexuality? Yeah, but it’s OK because I’m confident and secure about my sexuality.

Do you believe in true love? Yes, I do. I know that one day, there will be someone for me, who’ll be ready to spend the rest of her life with me.

What’s your dream role? It’ll be a welcome challenge to do action, play a psychopath or a disabled person.

Hobbies? I play video games and basketball.

Favorite movie and actor. “Titanic” is a classic … Leonardo DiCaprio because of his versatility.

Fave food. Chicken.

If you weren’t an actor, what would you be doing? A choirboy or a basketball player.

Best asset? Eyebrows.