‘Ugly’ Anna responds to vicious fan

Anna Paquin —INSTAGRAM

Bellevue” actress Anna Paquin, who regularly posts selfies on Instagram, encountered a rude commenter last week. In a separate post of the screenshot, fans came to her defense.

In the image, @angelxrx left a comment: “Damn, you got ugly,” to which Paquin responded in the caption, “I almost hope we meet someday, so I can cut you with my razor-sharp cheekbones.”

One fan commented on the actress’ response: “It’s a vicious circle. Name [and] shame the bully so that … [those who] adore you [will] give that person a piece of their mind. Except that bully will receive [thousands] of messages.”

Paquin replied, “I respectfully don’t think defending yourself or others constitutes bullying … I do feel like people who are mean from the safety of their anonymous social media platforms should be called out. I’m also pretty good [at] moderating comments … so, hopefully, no reverse bullying happens.”

Eventually, @angelxrx’s voice recording of an apology was uploaded to Instagram Stories: “I’m really sorry [about] saying that to Anna Paquin. I hope she forgives me.” —OLIVER PULUMBARIT