Stay on track

Look beyond this year, and stay on track. We are spirit souls, eternal by nature. We should never lose track of our goals!

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When we start fussing over trivial things, we need to rethink our essential needs.

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It’s important to have a strategic plan to determine where we want to be after we leave our bodies.


Many people plan their lives after retirement. But, a spiritualist sees no retirement in his service to the Supreme Being, because that’s his natural function—and his source of happiness.

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Even when his body’s old, a sage remains active within—and his spiritual activities are dynamic and continually progressing.

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The treasures you can take with you beyond this lifetime are valuable: Self-realization, the Holy Names, your connection with the Supreme Being, and compassion for others. He is the greatest treasure of the eternal spirit soul!

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The best things in life are unseen—but, they are experienced by the soul and heart!
