No sooner had we sadly noted the demise of the art show for children, “Art Angel,” that we heard that another good show, “Starbox,” was about to end its daily run – after only less than a month of on-target telecasting.
The “street forum” show was a welcome addition to local TV’s generally pat and predictable programming, because it provided viewers with a venue for them to express their opinions on a host of current issues and concerns.
Ali Sotto hosted the show with her heart on her sleeve and her unusual knack for inviting viewers to express themselves feelingly but intelligently on topics that urgently concerned them – but, the show was axed just the same. Too bad, because its “street” orientation was starting to be imitated by other programs (the supreme compliment in the TV trade).
We trust that other producers will soon give Ali other shows to host, because she’s really one of the best in the biz. What we like about her hosting style is her genuine desire for viewers to have a good time and learn something relevant in the process.
In addition, Sotto doesn’t talk down to the masa audience, as some other hosts do, and this enlightened and selfless attitude endears her to her viewers.
Aside from “street forum” shows like “Starbox,” Ali could also do well hosting quiz shows and programs that delve into “ordinary” people’s fascinating, challenging, and inspiring lives – thus effectively proving how extraordinary and even heroic they really are.
And, may we please remind everyone that Ali got her start n the biz as a lovely singer, and later as an actress? Yes, the lady is verve, variety and versatility-plus, so despite her recent setback, she should be back in the biz – to stay!
Other yummy prospects
Speaking of variety, we know that Willie Nepomuceno is the country’s top political impersonator and satirist, but we would occasionally want to see him do story-based comedy and drama as well—because it would provide a career-expanding change of pace – and because he’d be good at it, too.
Also on our wish list is a stand-up comedy show – with a lot of singing in it – for Pinky Marquez, who has one of the best set of pipes around and is also an idiosyncratic comedic performer who can keep an audience entertained for hours on end.
Finally, we would be thrilled if the inimitable Nikki Ross came out of her self-enforced retirement to once again regale the local club audience with her feisty musical-comedy act and one-of-a-kind “flashback” recollections.
We once witnessed Nikki keep friends enthralled for hours, and we want more people to savor that unique experience, as well.
They don’t make them like they used to, so we need to see the antic likes of Nikki Ross again to remind younger performers what talent and passion are really all about!