Contestants on the America’s Next Top Model look at Tyra Banks as their main inspiration on becoming the next Top Model. When the show returned in Cycle 23 without Tyra, Brit-born singer Rita Ora took the stage and echoed the search for the model with the triple B: Business, Boss, and Brand. After Tyra declared her return to the show, we came to realize why Tyra is indeed the boss of ANTM.
- Tyra continues to evolve and form aspiring Top Models
She admitted her weight had played a significant role in her life. From being a supermodel in her younger years, Tyra has become a role model for ordinary people everywhere because rather than feeling upset by the criticisms about her body, she came out fighting, and facing the issues head on.
Former contestants like Mercedes Scelba-Shorte (Cycle 2), Analeigh Tipton (Cycle 11), Chantelle Young (Cycle 21) are making a name for themselves in fashion, film, and more. It can be very well noted how ANTM focused on how vulnerable young people respond to rapid exposure to fame, wealth, and access to opportunity (as well as to having it all suddenly taken away)—all of which have lessons and potential to guide most aspiring models’ careers.
- She remains to be fierce and lives up to her Ty-Ty Tip: BYOB (Be Your Own Boss)
No other host like Tyra can truly create not just a show, but a term that will outlast all other reality TV shows. In cycle 13, she has coined the term “smize” that translates to “smile with your eyes” and is still widely used today! She has played a lot roles for America’s Next Top Model where she has served not only as presenter, but also as creator and executive producer. Adding more feathers to her hat, Tyra is also a photographer, creative director, and judge on the show. Tyra’s prowess makes her the ultimate boss.
- Tyra is not afraid to break the norm.
She continues to take the modeling industry on a NLF—new level of fierce! As ANTM started as a show about modeling one’s body, Tyra recreated it into a show about modeling one’s brand. “A personal brand is so important, and I really worked my entire career to make sure that I could be in control of my destiny and my own boss. That I was about beauty, business, and badassery, not just a pretty picture,” she tells in an interview.
In cycle 22, Top Model removed its controversial height requirement, paving way for models who might not be of runway height, but who would be fitting for social media campaigns. For cycle 24, Tyra opened the show to women of all ages.
14 gorgeous, talented, and creative contestants will be revealed in the pilot episode of ANTM Cycle 24 airing via satellite on ETC starting this January 10, 2018 at 4 PM with primetime telecast at 9 PM.
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