Dolly gets a Famas

Dolly Anne Carvajal

Inquirer Entertainment columnist Dolly Anne Carvajal was the recipient of the Dr. Jose Perez Memorial Award at the recent Famas (Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences Awards), the oldest award-giving body in the country.

“I am speechless with gratitude,” Carvajal said of the honor, which she dedicated to her two children, Bianchi and IC, and her late mom, entertainment journalist Inday Badiday.

Annual award

“The award is given annually by the Vera Perez clan to outstanding entertainment writers,” she said.

“I will keep trying to continue my mom’s legacy in my own little way,” she added.

Dollywood, Carvajal’s column in the Inquirer’s Entertainment section, comes out thrice a week.—OLIVER PULUMBARIT