Hazel Faith works on album

Hazel Faith dela Cruz

Hazel Faith dela Cruz

Earlier in her show biz career, singer, actress and songwriter Hazel Faith dela Cruz appeared in TV shows, including “Kasalanan Bang Ibigin Ka?” and “Bayani Serye: Ilustrado.”

Eventually, Hazel Faith joined the cast of “Be Careful With My Heart” and was cast in indie films, “Ekstra” and “Bar Boys.”

She will be seen next in the TV adaptation of the Wattpad hit, “Operation Break: The Casanova’s Heart.” Soon, she will also be starring in a Korean movie and another local indie film.

Hazel Faith has a number of Tagalized K-pop songs on YouTube. Her latest recording under Curve Entertainment, the upbeat pop song, “Kinikilig,” received a best dance recording nomination in the 30th Awit Awards.

“Kinikilig” is one of the tracks in her “Keep the Faith” album set to be released this month.