Michelle Pfeiffer—from cat to wasp

Michelle Pfeiffer

Actress Michelle Pfeiffer will play the original Wasp in the “Ant-Man” sequel, “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” set for release in 2018. But Pfeiffer, 59, disclosed that she struggled with looking at old comic books for reference.

“I just started reading them, and I’m having a hard time,” she recently told Variety. “There’s so much information on a page, and it’s not linear. When I’m skim-reading them, it’s difficult to know that this part comes after that and who is talking in what bubble.”

The actress, who played Catwoman in 1992’s “Batman Returns,” will play Janet van Dyne, a shrinking heroine, ex-partner to the original Ant-Man (Michael Douglas). The “Ant-Man” sequel also stars Evangeline Lilly as their daughter Hope, aka the new Wasp.—OLIVER PULUMBARIT