Roxlee’s 12 commandments for independent filmmakers

Thou shalt shoot only original movies with original story lines. Shoot in whatever available medium; what is important is the concept.

Be resourceful, always look for potential sponsors. Shoot with limited budget but with unlimited ideas. And, if possible, stick to two takes per scene.

Thou shalt not be blinded by the stars.

Thou shalt not patronize very commercial and trashy movies.

Thou shalt not limit yourself. Always aim for international release. Remember, your film could be your passport.

Thou shalt not be disrespectful of other filmmakers, even if they make bad films.

Thou shalt not be greedy. Share your equipment, film stock and ideas with aspiring filmmakers.

Thou shalt not lose hope, even if you have a small audience for now; the bigger audience maybe meant for the next generation.

Thou shalt not always aspire for financial gain; but always strive for cinematic excellence.

Thou shalt not be bothered by bad reviews. There are bad critics everywhere.

Thou shalt not think you’re a great director. Be humble and recognize the existence of the Supreme Being.

Thou shalt not lose the passion of making films; work, work and work up to your last breath.