Harry Styles sends love to recovering Manchester victim through phone call
Image: INQUIRER.net stock photo
The recent bombing at the Manchester Arena left 22 dead and 59 injured, claiming many young victims who only intended to enjoy a concert.
One of these victims is 14-year-old Freya Lewis who was left critically injured after an explosion at the Ariana Grande concert. The student was in intensive care at the Manchester Children’s Hospital after shrapnel hit her and caused multiple fractures, lacerations and burns.
14-year-old Freya Lewis survived the deadly attack at Manchester. Image: Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School
& Sixth Form College
She was with her best friend Nell Jones, 14, who died after the blast.
The Lewis family shared that their daughter has undergone three surgeries, and has felt “extremely confused and traumatized.” Freya has also been sedated as part of her recovery.
However, an unexpected phone call from her favorite One Direction singer put her in good spirits.
Her sister Georgia made a Facebook post asking if crooner Harry Styles could give her sister attention, saying that Freya is “the biggest Harry Styles fan.” It received over a thousand shares but she didn’t expect it to work.
To everyone’s shock, the heartthrob called up Lewis’ dad while they were at the hospital. During the phone call, “Harry said he loved her, she said she loved him, then Dad said he loved him!” Georgia shared.
“Hearing his voice has been a great lift and Freya has totally woken up,” Georgia added. In another blog post, the family shared that “after we all calmed down after speaking to Harry, Freya had a comfortable night.”
Freya continues to recover and has been transferred from intensive care to high dependency “which is a massive positive step towards her recovery.” JB
Manchester terror attack: The victims
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