WATCH: ‘Ferdinand’ trailer shows what’s next from ‘Rio’, ‘Ice Age’ makers

Based on a children’s classic, the debut trailer for the animated movie “Ferdinand” features ex-wrestler John Cena as the main character, a peaceful bull, with Ed Sheeran’s “Castle on the Hill” as its soundtrack.

He may be the biggest bull in his Spanish hometown, but Ferdinand is also the kindest-hearted beast around.

Not everyone sees it that way and soon he’s hatching a plan to escape the bull ring and make it back home.

The December 2017 movie comes from Blue Sky Studios, which is best known for producing five films in its “Ice Age” franchise, and two in the “Rio” series, as well as adaptations of William Joyce’s “The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs” (“Epic”, 2013) and the latest film from the beloved Charles M. Schulz comic strip classic “The Peanuts Movie”. JB