4 things that annoy K-drama fans

We’ve come a long way from the early to mid-2000s, when subbed K-dramas or variety shows used to never be readily available.

Yet it seems that for international fans, despite our supposed increased access to better mobile devices and better connectivity, we are still in some ways behind Korean fans. Subbers and fanclubs have sprung out everywhere and it’s difficult to find a reliable source for that K-drama fix.

What really are the things that international K-Drama fans get so annoyed about? We’ve figured out four:

Image from Viu

1. Slow and bad subs

DISCURSTING SHI— Sorry. K-Drama fans love the fact that there’s a subbed version of an episode, but the experience of watching the episode is ruined when you have to pause because you have to decode what the subtitle actually meant, or because the subtitle disappeared too quickly, or worse, when the subs are delayed.

Image from Viu

2. Low quality videos

We trusted you! How dare you give us low quality videos!” K-drama fans, while very well enjoy the story, watch a drama because their favorite actor or actress is in the series. Please don’t ruin this for us.

Image from Viu

3. Cramps and inconvenience

While binge-watching is fun and gives our lives meaning, sitting in front of the laptop or computer can cause cramps. And downloading them, then transferring the files to our mobile phones, takes a lot of time, which ultimately takes away precious viewing hours.

Image from Viu

4. ERROR 500

Illegal K-drama sites run the risk of constantly going down due to a lot of issues (including legal and copyright issues). Nobody wants constant mini heart attacks and existential questions like “Where am I going to watch my K-drama now? Huhuhu…” But then again, if you’re a K-drama fan, you know that you want ‘number 4’, right? *wink*

Luckily, there’s an app that can solve all of these. Introducing, Viu!

Viu allows you to stream your favorite K-drama, variety, and music shows as fast as eight hours after the telecast in Korea, with English subs! You can also download the shows to your device and you can watch it from there. Anytime. Anywhere. Always.

The best part is that it’s legal and free. Which means that when you watch on Viu, your favorite artists get paid and you can be assured that Viu will not be taken down by authorities. Viu is free and will always be free – no catch. You don’t need to pay for premium access after a 30-day trial – heck, there is NO 30-day trial. Just register and you can watch all your favorite shows, with English subs, in high quality, for free.

So what are you waiting for? Binge-watch away!

Viu is available on Web in the app store and play store. Tap here to download: https://inq.news/11viu.