Rhian Ramos sang and danced at family gatherings

What’s your most memorable Christmas season? How do you intend to celebrate the holidays this year?

Christmas is for everyone, but it’s especially for kids. The enjoyment is different when you’re a kid. So, I would have to go back to my childhood. My sister, cousins and I used to spend the day in my lola’s house and  perform song or dance numbers—because a lot of parents love making their kids perform during family gatherings.

But we didn’t need to be asked. We always prepared songs with choreography. We did all sorts of silly things. But now, you’d have to drag me to do it!

These days, we usually gather either at my or my aunt’s house, and each family is required to bring a home-cooked dish. We love food. The highlight for us is always the eating part!—ALLAN POLICARPIO