‘Insight’ into celeb-style vacations

John Boulding

John Boulding

Ever wonder how it feels to travel like Beyoncé and Jay-Z as they sail across the Mediterranean? Or would you rather indulge the “Game of Thrones” geek in you by taking a trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia, to see King’s Landing?

If the answer’s yes, you’ll have a hard time resisting what Insight Vacations has to offer.

John Boulding, CEO of Insight Vacations, recently unveiled his company’s itineraries in countries across South America and Asia for its Luxury Gold travel program.

“What sets us apart from the rest is our authentic ‘Signature Experience,’ where guests are treated to exclusive events and private access to uniquely tailored experiences,” he told the Inquirer.

“They can explore famous landmarks when they are closed to the general public,” he said. Imagine seeing parts of the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel the way Tom Hanks did when he played Robert Langdon.

Aileen Clemente, president of Rajah Travel and Tours, Insight Travel’s local partner, said, “In the age of social media, we offer tourists a more in-depth travel experience.”

Boulding adds, “Our service is suited for people who are independent-minded. We no longer tolerate the concept of a tour guide leading you around with a flag, the last thing our guests would want. What we’re offering gives travelers the freedom and flexibility to break away [from the norm]. The Philippines is our biggest market in Asia, and Singapore comes second.”

Jak Roberto