Other ‘maturing’ stars’ career prospects in 2017

Our recent column on Aga Muhlach’s forthcoming career prospects (if and when his weight-loss regimen is significantly successful) has elicited requests for updates on other “maturing” male stars’ chances and options.

Happy to oblige:

Cesar Montano

Cesar Montano

Focusing on stars in their late 40s, 50s and older, we can share that, on point of talent and proven stellar clout, the best bet for “renewed and recharged” stardom is Cesar Montano.

It’s just too bad that “wrinkles and wrangles” in his personal life have eroded his stellar cachet, and made some people unhappy with his overall projection.

But, if Cesar determinedly and sincerely works on getting his act together again, he’s talented enough to recover and regain the viewing public’s support.

To speed up the process, Cesar’s handlers should come up with an indie film starrer that will showcase him at his very best.

It’s too bad that his mentor, Marilou Diaz-Abaya, is no longer around to do the “saving and reminding” honors, but other top filmmakers who believe in his abiding thespic gift, which goes beyond personal stumbles and fumbles, could effectively help him in this key regard.

Richard Gomez

Richard Gomez

Another established star who could make a successful comeback is Richard Gomez. In his case, however, he has to prove that his thespic talent is deeper than he’s revealed it to be so far—so, he has to strive even harder to make it again in this new, “more mature” phase in his career.

He needs to take the edgy tack recently and successfully taken by John Lloyd Cruz and Piolo Pascual, who “graduated” from their own rom-com or rom-drama stellar origins, and stepped up to a rigorous higher level by way of indie films like “On the Job,” “Palabra de Honor” and “Hele sa Hiwagang Hapis.”

Ricky Davao

Ricky Davao

On point of maturing talent, Ricky Davao is a clear and proven standout, but his problem is his girth—which we’re glad to see that he’s trying hard to lose.

He needs to succeed at the admittedly arduous task, to escape getting trapped as a good and reliable character actor in teleserye “limbo.”

After he gets back to “lead” shooting trim, Ricky needs to do a really challenging film to remind viewers that he’s one of our best actors and is too young to be limited to “old and cold” portrayal.

Gabby Concepcion

Gabby Concepcion has retained most of his “youngish” looks and a good measure of his popularity—but, like Richard Gomez, he needs to go beyond the predictable lead roles he used to easily and breezily tackle in his prime.

As a maturing star, he has to push past his usual thespic limits and thus needs a demanding director-mentor to help him “break through” by way of a challenging and career redefining thespic showcase.

For his part, Ariel Rivera has proven that he’s a fine, insightful actor, but has been limited to playing character parts in TV drama series for years.

He can do much more, and an unexpectedly edgy indie movie could “prove” it most convincingly.

Indies are economical enough to self-finance these days, so Ariel and people who believe in his still-unrealized potential should take a deep breath and make the career-boosting move!