Paolo Ballesteros, ‘Birdshot’ win top prizes in Tokyo Film Fest

Paolo Ballesteros

Paolo Ballesteros. Photo from Perci Intalan Facebook account

The Philippines scored a triple whammy at the 29th Tokyo International Film Festival held at the Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills on Thursday.

Jun Robles Lana’s “Die Beautiful” brought home two trophies, Best Actor for lead star Paolo Ballesteros and the Audience Choice Award. Meanwhile, Mikhail Red’s “Birdshot” won the top prize in the Asian Future section.

Lana praised Ballesteros’ performance as “stunning and heartfelt.”

READ: Paolo Ballesteros wins Best Actor in Tokyo Film Fest

Said Lana: “Paolo’s enormous talent never ceases to amaze me—not just as a brilliant actor but now as a gifted makeup artist. I was always mesmerized by Paolo’s dedication [on the set] … He’s a perfectionist.”

Paolo Ballesteros and Jun Robles Lana. Photo from Perci Intalan Facebook account

Red’s film “Birdshot” emerged as the best film in the section that seeks to celebrate the works of promising filmmakers. The young director previously competed in the same section for his feature film debut “Rekorder” in 2013.

Red expressed gratitude for the rare honor, which he dedicated to the country, for being “a constant source of stories that filmmakers get to impart with the rest of the world.”

He also shared the honor with his fellow” young filmmakers who are likewise struggling to let their voices be heard.” JE

Paolo Ballesteros. Photo from Bayani San Diego