The best is yet to come

Naysayers, eyebrow-raisers, shoulder-shruggers and other rancid cynics abound in the biz, but there are enough upbeat developments this season to raise our collective spirits about the quality of the entertainment we’re getting.

First off, we should cite efforts to make indie movies more available and accessible to the non-art film clique, by finding slots for them in commercial cineplexes.

Failing that, more indie screening venues are opening up in restaurants and bookstores. True, some are having a hard time building up a regular audience, so they can be assured of some business and patronage from week to week. But others are persisting and “surviving,” so hope springs!

In our view, indie movies would find a bigger and more regular audience if their producers are able to persuade schools and offices to start film clubs in educational institutions and companies.

In addition, communications and arts teachers should assign their students to attend at least one indie screening per week, for discussion in class.

We make a big to-do about lack of regular access and outlets in relation to indie movies because, if this continues to be a problem, the indie phenomenon could eventually falter Ñ- and fail.

Key to making it work and ending up in the black is viewers’ proactive support. Many people want to help, but don’t care enough to “hunt down” new or even older indie masterworks. Genuine film buffs really care, so we should develop and train many more of them.

Also an upbeat sign of better things to come is the successful comeback of a number of “semiretired” film artists, led by Nora Aunor. From a years-long arid period with a film output of zero, she’s now making five or even more indie movies a year!

But, one Nora does not a second cinematic springtime make, so we should also support the new movies being made by other screen greats, whose time-honed talents deserve our renewed patronage.


Sharon Cuneta

Finally, it’s bracing to see that some “weighed-down” stars have been determinedly waging and winning the Battle of the Bulge, with Sharon Cuneta currently pacing the stellar “reducers” with a weight loss of more than 60 lbs.

She needs to slough off “more pa-more,” but she already looks lighter and better, so, keep it up (and the weight down)!

Aga Muhlach

Aga Muhlach

Aga Muhlach is also huffing, puffing and dieting to get back to shooting trim — so, he and Sharon could finally film their big screen comeback — next year?

They have to make doubly sure that they don’t just look “passably trim” — but great! They owe it to their amazingly patient and loyal fans, true — but, most of all, they should do it for themselves, because they still have some memorable portrayals left to share.