The day Bimby met baby bro MJ

MJ (left) and Bimby Yap         Instagram

MJ (left) and Bimby Yap       Instagram

All’s well that ends well for Kris Aquino, her ex-husband James Yap and his Italian girlfriend, Mic Cazzola.

According to James, he was surprised to receive a text from Kris on Oct. 20, saying that she wanted their son, Bimby, to finally meet his baby brother, MJ (son of James and Mic).

Came the day of the first meeting of Bimby and MJ on Oct. 22.
Initially, Kris planned to just wait for Bimby in the car, but Mic said that the former was more than welcome to come in and see the baby, too.
So they instantly became “one happy family”—all for the love of Bimby and MJ!

The basketball superstar told me that, at first, he didn’t know what to do. But when James saw his two sons together, everything seemed to fall into place, and the situation became “light and easy.” He said it brought a priceless feeling that beat all his basketball championship moments combined.

James also told me that when Bimby saw MJ, he exclaimed, “He looks like me!” Bimby brought a lot of toys for his baby brother, and Mic prepared merienda for them.

The next day, Kris sent Mic flowers. The unexpected turn of events could not have happened at a better time, especially because Mic’s birthday (Oct. 27) was fast coming up. No birthday gift could top that kind of joy when one kind of love gives way to another.

From left: Kris Aquino, Bimby Yap, Mic Cazzola

From left: Kris Aquino, Bimby Yap, Mic Cazzola