Persons of interest

Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys

Each week, we come up with a short list of show biz stars and starlets who have managed to stand out from the madding throng of wannabe attention-grabbers.

This week, that list is paced by teen and tween fave Kyle Echarri, who’s fast making his mark as a young singer with multi-platform stardom clearly in sight.

We last caught “The Voice Kids” alum’s performances when he was made part of a teen trio (with Bailey May and JK Labajo) on the “I Love OPM” group singing tilt. The “attention magnet” there was Bailey, with Kyle doing OK and JK—well, not so much.

Last month, however, we caught a MYX feature on Kyle that shifted the solo focus on him, and made us belatedly realize that, while Bailey has a lot going for him, Kyle is no pushover in the “promising” department, either.

Engaging personality

Like Bailey, he sings well, looks great and has an engaging personality that makes tween and teen fans feel welcome, appreciated—and goosebumpy all over!

MYX’s exclusive focus on Kyle showed viewers what a tough task it is to go from starlet to star—on a daily basis.

Kyle spent the whole day going from one appointment or personal appearance to the next, visiting a radio station, making product and “exchange deal” sponsors happy, etc. Amazingly, the new teen fave did everything asked of him with unflagging zest and genuine enthusiasm.

All too often, we see starlets do the opposite, grudgingly and complainingly going through the “PR” motions, thus turning onlookers off.

Kyle Echarri

Intelligent comer

But Kyle appears to be an intelligent comer who knows that stardom isn’t offered to a starlet on a silver platter, but must be won and earned through months and sometimes even years of always presenting yourself to the starmaking public at your best—and most appreciative.

To improve Kyle’s stellar prospects, he should also be regularly featured on “ASAP” and other career-building showcases, as well as on a TV soap.

Alicia Keys

On the international show biz scene, the best impression is currently being made by singing star Alicia Keys, who’s joined the judging and mentoring panel on “The Voice.”

She’s doing spectacularly well on her new assignment, unlike Miley Cyrus, who’s flubbing and trying too hard to play catch-up.

Keys is turning out to be a most welcome addition to the prestigious TV talent tilt, because she obviously knows what she’s talking about—and she cares deeply about the exceptional singers she’s helping to discover.

Not a few of those singers who pass the “blind” auditions in fact make it a point to say Alicia’s having been added to the tilt’s vetting and mentoring mix was what motivated them to try their luck this season.