Watch at your own risk

Nick Cannon

Nick Cannon

We like watching shows or sports events to enliven our humdrum lives with TV thrills—but recent incidents and accidents have dampened our enthusiasm and cautioned us to heed the newly relevant warning, “Watch at your own risk!”

Most of these niggling no-nos we’ve gotten from watching accident-prone TV “compilation” shows like “Caught on Camera with Nick Cannon” and “Dangerous Encounters.”

In just a couple of telecasts, we were “treated” to such cautionary spectacles as an ice-hockey player being physically attacked and mauled by an irate sports fan (of the other team); a stand-up comedian being similarly assaulted by a nonfan who wasn’t at all amused by his feeble attempts at “humor,” and a man on a roller-coaster who was supposed to be enjoying its thrills and chills—but just screamed his head off in total terror for the entire ride! —And he paid for the torture?

—To make things even worse for the big, bawling baby, the little boy sitting next to him was giggling and laughing—and having the time of his life!

Other examples of risky entertainment include rock concerts during which musicians come up with such stratospherically amped-up and just plain loud performances that we end up deaf for at least a month!

Other risks and threats: Performers blinded by strobes and other stage lights who fall off the stage and hurt themselves, sometimes seriously. At sports events, injuries are also commonplace occurrences—which is why sports stars are paid even more than show biz luminaries—for their (probable) pains!