Geisler, Matos engage in another ‘duel’: #PPAP Challenge

Controversial actors Baron Geisler and Kiko Matos have again faced each other, this time over “PPAP Challenge.” PPAP stands for Pen, Pineapple, Apple, Pen, the newest online dance craze popularized by Japanese singer-songwriter Piko Taro.

The actors’ video includes two sexy girls in two-piece bikinis, as they do the challenge in a condo balcony. The video has reached thousands of views just hours after release.

The two actors appear to harbor no animosity toward each other and show that they are now indeed friends.

Geisler and Matos had faced each other in a series of heated, trash-talking encounters before their June 25 URCC Fight Night face-off, which ended in a draw.

The two openly said after their fight that they were willing to work with each on a movie project in the future.