Lindsay Lohan nearly loses ring finger in boat accident


Lindsay Lohan is healing from a frightful boat accident that nearly left her without a ring finger on Sunday.

According to TMZ, the 30-year old “Mean Girls” star was entangled by the anchor’s rope while vacationing with her friends in a coastal area in Turkey. Then, she fell off the boat and struggled to detach herself, but her ring finger was sliced by the anchor’s tip. Her friends began searching for her missing fingertip and found it on the boat’s deck.

After she was rushed to a nearby hospital, Lohan posted her misfortune on social media. “This is why I shouldn’t try to help get the rope to anchor the boat. I lost half of my finger,” she tweeted.

Then, in the video uploaded on her Instagram fan page, she explained how her finger was chopped off.” This is the result of me trying to help anchor the boat by myself, my poor finger.” The sliced portion of her ring finger was reattached during a surgery.

This came weeks after Lohan was allegedly attacked by her Russian ex-beau, Egor Tabarasov, after he claimed that she was spreading malicious lies against him on Russian and international media.  Gianna Francesca Catolico


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