Teaching by example
More than 500 years ago, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared on this planet to teach great truths about who we are and how we can achieve the highest form of happiness. Though he was a great scholar and teacher even at a young age, Chaitanya humbly asked Ishvara Puri to accept him as his student.
That is the ancient way of learning—to be submissive and respectful to a bona fide teacher.
Ishvara knew that the person approaching him was remarkable, yet he told Chaitanya, “You are not very intelligent. Focus instead on the meditation process of hearing and chanting the Holy Names of the Supreme.”
Chaitanya took the instruction well, stopped focusing on literary arguments and immersed himself in singing and chanting. Feeling the sweet nectar of transcendental love and peace, he encouraged others to follow the spiritual path, give up their sinful activities and helped them appreciate the presence of God in their lives.
He taught by example. He was full of compassion and love for everyone. He taught with no strings attached. Our teacher, Jagad Guru Chris Butler, followed the path he took. As his followers, we also share with others what we have learned from him.
We can all be mediums of truth and wisdom, like the enlightened mentors we emulate!
E-mail pdilotuspond@gmail.com