The first episode of Berserk (2016) has been received positively and is hoped to far surpass the 1997 version. Image Berserk Official Site
Berserk’s first episode has been received well by fans and appears to hold far greater promise than its previous incarnation which aired back in the ’90s.
The series is based on the dark medieval manga of the same name which features large amounts of fantasy gore and which has been running since 1989, Kotaku reports. Three movies and two video game adaptations were made but these did not exactly match the creator Kentaro Miura’s tone and execution in the manga.
Primarily set in the Middle Ages, Berserk is not for the faint-hearted. It features a good amount of spilled blood, sword fights and dark themes. Hopefully, the 2016 iteration of this classic will finally be able to do the manga justice. Alfred Bayle