Stars fight their way back to performing trim



Last week, Sharon Cuneta appeared to be all over the TV screen, guesting on a series of shows to plug her return to regular weekly telecasting, by way of the “The Voice Kids 3,” where she now serves as a mentor-judge.

Sharon’s fans are happy to see her back in the swim, on TV at least, and approvingly note the fact that she’s in the process of losing her excess weight, to eventually get back to performing trim.

It’s reported that she’s lost almost 40 lbs, but clearly needs to lose more, so we hope that, this time around, she sticks to her guns for the long haul, because all-important health and career issues are at stake.

Best of all, if Sharon eventually wins her battle of the bulge in a big way, she can help inspire other very overweight people to free up to their own potentially risky health issues, and similarly slough off all of those excess pounds that are literally and figuratively dragging them down.

We know it’s tough, but if we succeed, we’ll all end up feeling—10 feet tall!

Sharon and the rest of us can get a psychic boost from the already “succeeding” example of Aiko Melendez, who was really big and heavy last year but has already lost a significant amount of pounds—and looked good when we watched her on TV last week. If she loses perhaps 15 or 20 more pounds, she’ll really be good to go!

AIKO Melendez

In this regard, we should also remind other “broadening” stars and starlets that it’s time for them to lose weight now, before they “broaden” even more.

This unsolicited advice goes out to the likes of singer Jed Madela, who is now looking too hefty, chunky and jowly. Please remember, it’s great to broaden our horizons, not our avoirdupois.

They should take their cue from the currently inspiring example being provided by Ricky Davao, who has finally been sloughing off all of the heavy “excess baggage” that has been limiting his stellar prospects for many years.

In fact, some of his most avid “believers” no longer felt that he could summon up the energy and determination needed to lose all of the persistent and insistent excess poundage.

The last time we broke bread with Ricky, however, we were gratified to see that he was visibly slimmer, and looked trimmer and younger—so, whatever regimen he’s on is working!

Like Aiko, Ricky still has more pounds to lose, but the signs of success are encouraging, so keep it up—and off!