Words of wisdom
THE HOLY Week is fast approaching. So, here are words of wisdom for our dear readers to reflect on:
Grow friendships and good relationships with those whom you’d like to spend time with when you retire. Take care of your bond with loving family members.
Do something that improves the quality of life of others. Grow a garden that you could enjoy with your grandchildren. Then, reap what you sow.
Having money is only one aspect of wealth. The concept of wealth relates directly to your definition of value. Health is wealth. To a lonely person, there’s “wealth” in the presence of someone to talk to and share his or her life with. To someone estranged, “wealth” is hearing words of love and forgiveness.
You may be rich but are impoverished in spirit and happiness. In contrast, some people who can barely put food on the table lead joyful lives.
Don’t wait until you’re too old to enjoy your “harvest.” Celebrate each day as God’s miracle!
Join our Amazing Batanes Photo Safari on April 2-6. E-mail luzamandolina@gmail.com or call 0916 746-3883.