MARCH marks the celebration of Earth Hour, while April commemorates Earth Day. Excerpts from American rapper Prince Ea’s video, “Sorry,” which promotes environmental consciousness:
“Dear Future Generations, I speak for the rest of us when I say sorry, we left you our mess of a planet. I hope you forgive us. We just didn’t realize how special the earth was—like a marriage gone wrong, we didn’t know what we had until it was gone!”
“I’m guessing you know what the Amazon desert is. Believe it or not, it was once called the Amazon rain forest, and there were billions of trees there—all of them gorgeous!”
“Let me tell you that trees are amazing, we breath the air they are creating, and they clean up our pollution, purify water, give us medicine that cures diseases, and food that feeds us. —Which is why I’m sorry we cut and burned them down—for money.”
“Most of us today don’t even care about tomorrow. So I’m sorry that we put profit over people, greed over need, and the rule of gold above the golden rule. I’m sorry we used nature as a credit card with no spending limit—overdrafting animals to extinction, stealing your chance to ever see their uniqueness, or become friends with them!”
“Sorry we poisoned the ocean so much that you can’t even swim in it. But most of all, I’m sorry about our mindset, because we had the nerve to call this (form of) destruction ‘progress.’”