Other ghastly gaffes on the boob tube

STEVE Harvey

STEVE Harvey

Steve Harvey’s ghastly gaffe at the Miss Universe rites in Las Vegas has elicited queries about other monumental boo-boos and boners on TV and in other performance venues.

Right off the bat, show biz observers cite the many errors and horrors on TV newscasts involving anchors and other on-cam personnel who don’t know that the cameras are already “on,” and are thus caught cluelessly combing their hair, licking food particles off their teeth, etc.

Another series of boo-boos on TV shows we watched recently focused on mistakes and accidents during remote telecasts—like a visit to the zoo where the field reporter was unceremoniously “baptized” by a peeing lion!

Another memorable clip showed a “daring” reporter experiencing “free fall” in a small plane, and ending his “scoop” coverage abruptly—by fainting!

Then, there are the famous, or infamous, “wardrobe malfunctions” during televised concert specials, like Janet Jackson’s “peek-a-boo” experience with an insufficient show brassiere. Plus singing stars making unglamorous pratfalls, or having to contend with collapsing stage floors!

Jennifer Lawrence’s “cutely klutzy” falls at awards rites have also been recorded for posterity by TV cameras—as have many beauty pageant finalists’ pratfalls—including our very own Miriam Quiambao, who recovered promptly and beautifully, and thus won plus points for her “poise under fire.”

Less cutely and humorously, some show biz stars involved in crimes and accidents have also ended up with egg on their faces on TV, with car crashes related to DUI (driving under the influence) cases involving celebrities too numerous to count—or countenance.

Speaking of inadvertent TV boo-boos in sitcom or drama series, compilations through the years have “immortalized” some key examples and instances:

Eagle-eyed fans of the iconic sitcom, “Friends,” point out that, in the popular sitcom, a number of visual gaffes have made for inadvertent comedy.

In particular, they cite a 1994 telecast in which, due to bad editing, Rachel’s necklace appears and then disappears and then appears on her neck again—in the same brief sequence!

In “Charmed” (1998), Phoebe is supposed to be unconscious, but when Cole lifts her up, she throws her arms around his neck!

In “Malcolm in the Middle,” a TV crew member is seen in a kneeling position, handing an actor a prop, then quickly exiting from the shot—too late!

On “Two and a Half Men,” a letter is first seen in a character’s left hand, then in another shot, he is holding it in his right hand. Clearly, the show’s “continuity” girl was sleeping on the job!

In a shot in “Sex and the City,” a boom mic is seen at the top of the screen. In “Eastenders,” a character wants a foe to be killed—and looks in the yellow pages to find a hitman to do the job. A disbelieving viewer asks, “Why would a hitman agency be allowed to advertise its services in the yellow pages?”

In “Dark Shadows,” a door starts out painted white. When the characters involved in the scene exit, it has changed to varnished wood!

In “Lost,” a shot inadvertently reveals the TV cameraman’s arm moving, as reflected in a car’s side view mirror.

In a classroom scene in “South Park,” a poster of Christopher Columbus is prominently placed at the back of the class. At the end of the scene, the poster has disappeared, replaced by the image of—an astronaut!

And, in “Days of Our Lives,” when Shawn is talking to Belle over the phone, the Eiffel Tower can be seen outside her window—yet, she’s supposed to be in Milan, Italy!

Booboos on TV? They’re a dime a dozen, par for the televiewing course—and Steve Harvey has lots of klutzy company!