Madonna on Twitter: I’m devastated by Bowie’s death

Los Angeles, United States — US pop megastar Madonna wrote on Twitter Monday that she was “devastated” by the death of British music legend David Bowie.

“Im Devastated! This great Artist changed my life! First concert i ever saw in Detroit! R.IP,” Madonna wrote on Twitter.

Bowie died after a long battle with cancer, his official Twitter and Facebook accounts said Monday, prompting an outpouring of tributes for the innovative star.

“Talented . Unique. Genius. Game Changer. The Man who Fell to Earth. Your Spirit Lives on Forever! #rebelheart” Madonna wrote in a second tweet.

The 57-year-old performer then added: “So lucky to have met you!!!! Hot Tramp I love you So! #rebelheart.” 

The tweet part-referenced his 1974 song, “Rebel Rebel”.  

It included an undated photograph of a young Bowie standing next to an even