Devotees eagerly converge for Eucharistic Congress in Cebu



AFTER MORE than a year of intense preparations, the 51st International Eucharistic Congress will be held in Cebu City on Jan. 24-31, with tens of thousands of devotees coming together from all over the country and the world to express and deepen their faith in many different ways.

The Catholic Church of the Philippines invites all believers to join and reflect on the theme, “Christ in You, Our Hope of Glory.” The congress includes theological symposia, catechetical sessions, inspiring testimonies, cultural presentations and expressons of fervent spiritual friendship and conviviality as devotees joyfully celebrate the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Rare opportunity

This is only the second time that such a significant religious convocation is being held in the Philippines (the first was in 1937), so Filipino Catholics are urged to take advantage of this rare opportunity to join thousands of pilgrims from many other countries in this weeklong expression of faith, love and renewal. Contact, e-mail, or call +63 32 260-3912.

The head of a family attending the congress shares, “We’ve reserved the time to attend, listen, pray and deepen our faith, because our family and the world are beset by so many problems and distractions that we need this ‘time out’ to regain our balance and focus on what’s really important to our lives and our salvation.

“It isn’t true that faith has become irrelevant in these modern times—precisely because of the problems, dangers and distractions, it’s become even more necessary and essential!”

Among the main highlights of the key religious event is the series of insightful talks that will be delivered by acclaimed theologians and church leaders. Among the not-to-be-missed sharings are those of Rev. Fr. Robert Barron and His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan.


Father Barron is an auxillary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the founder of Fire Catholic Ministries and host of “Catholicism,” an award-winning documentary about the Catholic faith.

Cardinal Dolan is Archbishop of New York, a charismatic speaker cited by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Barron will talk on the celebration of the paschal mystery of the Eucharist, as well as on Christ in the youth, while Cardinal Dolan’s assigned topic is “The Eucharist and Mary.”

For his part, Rev. Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, is the president of the Chicago Theological Union and will share his thoughts on the relationship between liturgy and culture.

Fr. Francis Moloney, SDB, has written 50 books and will talk on the Eucharist in the gospel of St. John and the Eucharist as “The Christian Hope in the Secularizing World.”

John Cardinal Onaiyekan’s assigned topic is “The Eucharist—Dialogue with the Poor and Suffering.” Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, is known for promoting social justice and human rights, and will share his insights on “The Christian Virtue of Hope.”

Other speakers include: Fr. Thomas Rosica on “Evangelizing a Secular World”; Dr. Josefina Manabat on “The Eucharist: Cup of Sacrifice, Banquet at the Kingdom”; Bishop Miguel Vidarte; Fr. Paul Vu; Archbishop Piero Marini; Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, and Filipino cardinals, Orlando Quevedo and Luis Antonio Tagle.

With these and other acclaimed speakers “prismatically” enlightening Congress participants about the essence and gifts of the Eucharist, the much-awaited meeting of hearts and minds this January is shaping up as a not-to-be-missed spiritual encounter.