“Cookin’ Nanta,” the spunky nonverbal comedy and musical show from South Korea, will run for a limited season in Manila, from Nov. 10 to 15 at Solaire Resort and Casino’s The Theatre.
The production, which made its international debut at the 1999 Edinburgh Festival Fringe in United Kingdom, has a simple plot: Three frazzled chefs are given less than a day to whip up a banquet for a wedding—all the while putting up with their hotheaded manager’s young nephew, who’s trying to learn how to cook.
Nanta, which means “to strike relentlessly” in Korean, presents the narrative through a mixture of slapstick comedy, acrobatics and music, fusing contemporary influences and samul nori—a traditional Korean genre.
The music is mainly percussive, produced with an array of improvised instruments like cutting boards, pans and knives.
Think “Stomp,” but set in a kitchen and with more crowd participation. (A few audience members will be asked to take part in a dumpling-making contest.)
“Cookin’ Nanta” is presented by Concertus Manila. For details, call 8919999 or visit www.ticketworld.com.ph. Allan Policarpio